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Cobalt Advocates

Our Impact in Advancing Abortion Access and Reproductive Rights

We envision a Colorado free of economic, social and political barriers so that all people are able to access a full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health information and services, including abortion.

Healthcare is a Human Right

Cobalt is a Colorado-based grassroots organization that advances abortion access and reproductive rights. Founded in 1967 when Colorado became the first state to allow safe, legal abortion. Cobalt believes everyone should have the freedom to make their own healthcare decision, which is why we are dedicated to advocating for policies that protect reproductive rights and ensure universal access to comprehensive healthcare which includes abortion.

We envision a world where your health decisions are free from stigma, politics and systemic barriers.

Areas of Impact

The Cobalt Political Report

Nothing should stand between you and your health decisions

Download our 2023 Political Report to see our year by the numbers and get a summary of our brightest spots. This included celebrating the passage of the Safe Access to Protected Healthcare (SAPHC) Package of Senate Bills 188, 189, and 190 through the Colorado State Legislature and their passage into law, strengthening Colorado’s position as a safe harbor state for politically-targeted healthcare.

Download 2023 Report


Active Supporters

Our supporters engage with us through volunteering, donating, getting out the vote, and engaging with state legislators and other stakeholders.


Signatures Collected

More than 1000 volunteers collected over 52k of the 232k signatures submitted to get Initiative 89, which protects abortion rights in Colorado’s Constitution, onto the Nov. 24 ballot.


Ballot Measures Defeated

Cobalt has fought and defeated 5 state-wide anti-abortion ballot measures since 2000. 


Bills Defeated

Cobalt has testified against and helped defeat 51 anti-abortion bills at the Colorado General Assembly since 2010.


Patients Assisted

In 2023, over 2,300 clients received funding from the Cobalt Abortion Fund towards their abortion procedure.


Providers Supported

13 independent abortion providers, 5 telehealth clinics, and all 19 of the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain clinics that provide abortion care, are supported through the Cobalt Abortion Fund.


Dollars in Abortion Support

The Cobalt Abortion Fund spent in excess of $1.25 million supporting abortion seekers with their care and practical support expenses. We anticipate that number to increase even more in 2024.

Words from the Cobalt Community

Read through testimonials from the Cobalt team, our clients, our partners, and the larger Cobalt community.

Linda Stonerock , Donor
“I am so proud to be a part of the financial support of Cobalt.  Throughout the last 30+ years of my life, this organization has been the most consistent focus of my charitable giving.  Your work is vital in recognizing that fire has to be fought with fire, and you bring it.  Thank you for your leadership and commitment to protecting the rights so essential in our lives.”
John Powers , Donor
“If women can’t control if, when and how they choose to get pregnant, all of their other human rights are a fiction. An unintended or forced pregnancy, a fleeting act for a man, impacts a woman’s life forever. My family has supported women’s rights and women’s reproductive rights for generations and will continue to do so.”
Anonymous , Donor
“There’s a lot more support for you out there than you may realize”
Rachel Truman Jennings , Cobalt Board Member
“I donate to and volunteer with Cobalt because I believe the choice of when and whether to become pregnant should not be dictated by politicians.  I believe when people have full agency to make this choice, they and their families thrive. I believe in science. I believe that abortion is health care.  I believe that barriers to abortion access disproportionately affect people of color.  I believe that banning abortion does not stop abortions, it just makes an otherwise very safe medical procedure unnecessarily dangerous. Cobalt's work is the embodiment of these beliefs, and for that, I'm proud to be a part of this organization.”
Anonymous , Abortion Fund Client
“I had no symptoms, an irregular period and all of a sudden I found out that I was pregnant and definitely more than 22 weeks. I was scared because I couldn't have a child. I was about to start my first year of law school and it was not in my plans. [Cobalt Abortion Fund] was so helpful and made it happen in two days. Women deserve to have the choice of wanting to adopt, raise, or abort since they could be going through things where a child does not fit into the picture.”
Anonymous , Abortion Fund Client
“It was something I never wanted to do, but I'm grateful it was available to me. I'm thankful I could be scheduled quickly as it was crucial...I would have had a child with a difficult and painful life.”
Anonymous , Abortion Fund Client
“We had a highly desired pregnancy that ended up having multiple medical diagnoses that ended up with us seeking abortion. I have always believed that if it's your body, it's your choice. No one can speak on how they would handle a situation like this until they go through it.”
“When I found out I was pregnant, I was shocked. I thought through everything and I was sure that I am not ready to be a mother. I have my dreams to achieve. Goals to accomplish and also financial stability. I decided to get an abortion but it is illegal in Texas. So I had to travel to Colorado in order to get a safe and legal abortion. Cobalt helped me with travel and lodging expenses. If I didn't get the financial assistance, it would be so much burden for me financially. Only if it was legal on my state, I wouldn't have to go through all the travels and inconveniences. But I am very thankful that I got financial assistance which made my process safe and successful.”
Greer Larson
“At 19 weeks, I had my anatomy scan. During the scan, they found three severe abnormalities. First, they found that she had myelomeningocele spina bifida and her spinal cord was protruding from her spine where there was a hole in her neural tube. With that, she had hydrocephalus - an excess of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding her brain. She also had omphalocele where her intestines were growing outside of her abdomen. Lastly, she was missing a portion of her left leg. She would have suffered from brain damage, paralyzation, incontinence, and several other health issues. My doctor let me know the realistic future our daughter had without several surgeries (that she likely didn’t qualify for given the other abnormalities) and a whole lot of luck. She told me that one of the abnormalities could be managed but all three are really incompatible with life. My husband and I were devastated. We were so excited for this wanted pregnancy and were caught completely off guard. We live in a state where abortion is illegal with very few exceptions. We took as much time as we could to discuss if we wanted to continue the pregnancy but realized we were not going to win - our daughter was not going to make it to term or have the life we hoped for her. We made very last minute hotel reservations and flight reservations and panicked childcare arrangements for our other children and went as quickly as we could to a state where abortion is legal. Without Cobalt, we would not have been able to afford the healthcare I needed. We said goodbye to our daughter with love and care and dignity due to the help from Cobalt.”
Morgan Tate
“I am a 40 year old woman, single mother of four children. After one year of celibacy I found someone I thought was my perfect mate. Needless to say he was not. He was Abusive in every way possible. After finding out about this pregnancy he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby. At my most vulnerable, fearful, and desperate/humiliating time of my life I realized I needed help. I was all alone pregnant with a fifth child that the father insisted on having nothing to do with. Through the NAH, I was introduced to the Cobalt 🤍 Family who treated me with the utmost respect and kindness in my utmost time of need. They acted quickly to respond to the urgent need to terminate my pregnancy as I had become further along than I knew. The support I received from every person I encountered at Cobalt 🤍 from financial assistance with any costs ensued with the procedure to the mental and emotional support I felt in my most desperate time of need, Cobalt 🤍 was there for me. I will never forget how much they helped me. Thank you so much for everything you do. I am so grateful.”
“I had just found out that I was pregnant for the 6th time and have had 5 C-sections. My youngest was 9 months old. After he was born, my OB had explained that I was at risk for complications if I became pregnant bc I’d need a 6th C-section! I had just went thru a rough surgery with my last baby bc it was my 5th c-section. I was told that I was at a very high risk of having a ruptured uterus. I am the one that takes care of my family and I! So I found a good clinic to help me with my situation and they referred me to Cobalt. If it wasn’t for Cobalt, I would’ve been bed bound with no income to feed my kids or pay the bills or car note. The lady that assisted me only asked me for my name, appt time and name of the Drs office for my appt. She then set up everything else for me! It felt like this was too good to be true! I kept asking myself “what’s the catch?!” I didn’t have to struggle spending all of my money for this procedure. She scheduled my round trip flight, hotel, and the procedure was paid in full! I had previously price checked flights and they were $600+ I never would’ve been able to pay for flight, hotel, and procedure! Cobalt really helped me through this hard time in my life! I am grateful for this program for being there for me and assisting me with the 2nd hardest part about my situation! I had called a few other places and definitely felt judged immediately! I would recommend Cobalt to anyone in a similar situation!”
“Finding out I was pregnant right after losing my mother was a lot to take in. Not to mention I was going through something with my youngest daughter and losing possible vision in one eye. My mind was everywhere and I was stressed out completely. I knew I couldn’t afford to bring another child into this world when my world is a complete disaster . So I talked it over with my partner and we made the decision to have the abortion. I got online did my research came across different clinics in different states, my intention was to stay close to Texas but whenever I called those clinics they wasn't listening whenever I spoke nor cared about answering my questions. I came across Healthy Futures as my last hope. I called and spoke with a staff member, she was very sweet and had no problem answering my questions while making me feel very comfortable over the phone. I found Cobalt's information posted on Healthy Futures website , I contacted them. The lady on the phone was the sweetest person and very helpful. They funded my whole trip including the procedure. I was very thankful for that because my funds were running low and I couldn’t afford the trip, room and procedure cost. They handled everything for me and kept in contact with me throughout the 2 weeks until my appointment date. When I arrived to my appointment at Healthy Futures I was a nervous wreck . But the staff was very sweet and patient. They made sure to explain everything in detail to me all the way through the procedure. I can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done for me .”
“I am forever grateful for having found this organization. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without the assistance. Being that I had to travel from another state, affording the cost of airfare, hotel and the procedure was impossible for me. I was in no position to be a single mom. I felt supported from day one of contacting Cobalt and they made the process seamless from beginning to end. Thank you!!”
Kiley Woolery
“Being 24 and still attending school with no car and hardly a place to call my own home, would’ve proven too difficult for me while trying to have a baby. Not being confident with myself and not having the resources to have a child yet is something I knew helped with my resolve on going through with the abortion. Without the funding that was provided, I would not be sure if I would’ve been able to finish school and that was my fear up until the abortion was completed. The gratitude I feel is immense towards those who helped with the procedure funding.”