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Cobalt Advocates


We must elect leaders at every level of government who will protect the right to abortion and who will fight to eliminate the structural, financial, and systemic barriers that restrict abortion access.

Colorado has secured significant wins for abortion rights in the last few years and our hope is to continue to make change at the government level.

Cobalt Supporting Changemakers

Some of these wins include the passage of the Reproductive Health Equity Act in 2022 and the Safe Access to Protected Healthcare Package in 2023: Senate Bills 23-188, 189, and 190. Cobalt and the Colorado Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Coalition are working to get Initiative 89, “Right to Abortion,” on the November 2024 ballot. This will be historic legislation that will protect abortion rights in the Colorado constitution as well as coverage for state employees.

With the passage of Initiative 89, the Colorado constitution will protect the right to abortion, prohibiting discrimination against those on state health insurance plans from getting abortion coverage.

The 2024 Endorsements are paid for by Cobalt Advocates.

Registered Agent Karen Middleton

Federal Candidate Priority Endorsements

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