The People Have Spoken: YES on Amendment 79 Celebrates Vote to Protect Abortion Access in State Constitution
DENVER — Today, Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom, the campaign backing Amendment 79 to codify abortion rights in the Colorado constitution, celebrated the ballot measure’s historic victory.
“The people of Colorado have spoken, and they have said they want the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference,” said Karen Middleton of Cobalt Advocates Abortion Fund and Co-Chair of Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom. “By enshrining this freedom into our state’s constitution, we have ensured that our rights cannot be taken away with the stroke of a pen. Tonight’s win on Amendment 79 represents a decisive statement about our shared values as Coloradans on abortion rights and access. Our state has long been a leader on abortion access, and we continue to be with the success of Amendment 79. And we will build on that success with an implementation process that is already moving forward with draft legislation and a bill title.”
After submitting over 225,000 signatures to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office in April to qualify for the ballot, the campaign raised over $13 million and received over 300 endorsements spanning Latine organizations, businesses, faith-based groups, and more. As of today, Amendment 79 has earned 61.5% of the vote.
“This victory was driven by the people of Colorado and their unbeatable spirit,” said Dusti Gurule of COLOR Action Fund and Co-Chair of Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom. “Together, we put the right to bodily autonomy and self-determination on the ballot. Together, we knocked on doors and talked to our families and communities. And together, we voted yes to ensure everyone in Colorado can access the abortion care they need. Amendment 79 is not just a win for the right to abortion but also a testament to the power of our collective community’s voice..”
“As the CEO of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, I am thrilled Amendment 79 has passed to codify abortion rights in the Colorado state constitution!” said Shara Smith, CEO Interfaith Alliance of Colorado and coalition partner. “This amendment is not just a policy change; it is a moral imperative that reflects our collective commitment to justice, compassion, individual autonomy, and religious freedom.”
“Young voters were critical in passing Amendment 79—voters under 35 consistently support abortion access and will show up time and time again to protect it. Young voters make up the largest voting bloc in the state and turned out at record levels with XX% of young people and XX% of New Era’s universe making their voices heard in this election,” said Nicole Hensel, executive director of New Era Colorado Action Fund and coalition partner. “New Era Colorado reached one million young voters across Colorado to cement this win and secure rights for our generation. Throughout our 18+ years of organizing on college campuses and in communities, abortion rights has become one of our most talked about and pivotal issues. Passing Amendment 79 is a huge step towards creating the world young people dream of: one where we’re free to make decisions that work for our lives and shared values of liberation.”
“Our fundamental freedoms were on the ballot, and Coloradans heeded the call. Our state has long championed our right to abortion,” said Deborah Richardson, ACLU of Colorado Executive Director. “Now, the inclusion of abortion rights in the Colorado Constitution is a critical firewall against federal interference and bad-faith actors at the state and local levels. Coloradans can rest assured knowing that their freedoms will be better protected from the whims of politicians.”
“The fact is that the Dobbs decision was a call to women and all Coloradans – who have spent a decade rejecting attempts by extremists to ban and criminalize abortion – to enshrine this fundamental health care as a right. By coming together and putting this measure on the ballot, our coalition has been able to demonstrate that Coloradans know that reproductive freedom belongs in the state’s constitution,” said Sara Loflin of ProgressNow Colorado Education, Executive Director and coalition partner.
If you have any questions, or are interested in connecting with leadership from Colorodans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom, please reach out to Erika Gulija at